WiRES-X Automation

Yaesu does not provide a mechanism that allows the WiRES-X software to be controlled by another program, i.e., having another program switch to a certain Room when a net starts.

Windows does, however, permit another program to send events to a program. Each window, menu item, and dialog in a Windows program has a unique identifier. It is possible to use these identifiers to send "message" to the WiRES-X software.

The WiRES-X Automation Project's purpose is to bring together people who are interested in developing this technology and sharing their results.

To get things going, here are two mechanisms for automating WiRES-X:

1. AutoIT: http://www.autoitscript.com
2. Python - an excellent programming language found at python.org
Dave, N9TOW, provided the following information:

Packages I have installed on my WiresX system.
C:\Users\WiresX>pip list
comtypes (1.1.3)
pip (9.0.1)
pypiwin32 (220)
pywinauto (0.6.3)
setuptools (28.8.0)
six (1.10.0)
To install
pip install -U pywinauto
Script that executes changing channels on WiresX app.
import time
from pywinauto import Application
app = Application().connect(path="C:\Program Files (x86)\YAESUMUSEN\WIRES-X\wires-X.exe")
app.WiresX.menu_select("Connect(C)->Connect To(T)")
dialogs = app.windows()