First Fusion Breakfast


The first Fusion breakfast was held on January 24th, 2015 at Matthew’s in Circle Pines, MN. 31 people attended representing 8 different radio clubs from both Minnesota and Wisconsin.

The photos beginning with ‘H’ were taken with the Yaesu mike/camera and transmitted from an FT1DR to a FTM-400 in the room via the DR-1x repeater that was on display (and operating).

Thanks to Chuck, K0ORK for being the organizing power behind setting this up. Also thanks to all those who attended! What we learned was that it isn’t just about new, cool technology, it’s also about a bunch of great people who have fun with their technology-centric hobby.

Also special thanks to the supportive (and perhaps disinterested) spouses that attended. And also thanks to those who had to make a special effort to make a road trip to be with us.

Be sure to check A great organization and a great web site (and I’d say that even if they weren’t installing a Fusion repeater).

The next breakfast is scheduled for March. Stay tuned....

Photos provided by KA0KMJ, K9EQ, and one particular photo by N0YNT (can you spot it?).

the First Fusion Breakfast at Matthew’s in Circle Pines, MN

January 27, 2015